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The national review on innovation organized by Confindustria SA ended with the double awarding of SYENMAINT both as First Classified of the STARTUP session, and as winner of the TIM Special Award, thanks to the presentation of SYENMAINT® PLATFORM, a proprietary multilayer system (sensors, hw, fw, sw) for the management of Predictive and Integrated Maintenance for Industry 4.0, for Logistics and Transport, for the Energy and Smart Building sectors, entirely developed by the SYENMAINT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING TEAM and currently installed at various prestigious customers, including RFI and FCA.

Review: StartupItalia, Salerno Today, Facebook Premio Best Practices

Thanks to: Valeria Fascione, Edoardo Gisolfi, Sellalab, Gianmarco Covone, Banca Sella, Vincenzo Villani, TIM, Antonio Palumbo, Campania NewSteel, Vincenzo Lipardi, Mariangela Contursi, Massimo Varrone, Mario Raffa Profilo, Filippo Ammirati, Francesco Roca, Federico Gilblas

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